Looking towards the back you can see part of the rear suspension that prevented me from having the hole any larger going back. The black rear break lines are also visible, they did have to be re-routed slightly, just some hand bends and a new clap to make sure they would not rub on the battery box.
The next couple pictures show how the rear batteries will be placed in the battery boxes. The support for the battery box has been installed. It is a simple structure made up of some steel strap and angle that hangs the batteries from some of the beefier parts of the Audi structure.
Looking under the car, the angle makes it look like it hangs down but it is actually about an inch higher than the floor. I may make a belly pan to prevent snow from getting packed around the batteries in the winter.
I made another mount that bolts to the adaptor plate for the over the motor battery box.. A battery box will sit between the far motor mount and this angle.
The wood is temporary to make sure the batteries fit. Battery box will span the same area.
Checking for clearance, with an inch and a half of wood there is still a gap between the battery and the hood. This will give room for the added height of the battery box.
I picked up some 0.080 5052 aluminum sheets from Storm Steel, a local metal supply shop, to make battery boxes. Thanks to Doug for his help and the use of this well supplied shop, we sheered and bend up the battery boxes in an afternoon.
Doug has a really well supplied shop, he offered to pre-drill rivet holds in the end caps using his CNC mill. This was a quick way to get a dozen holes with 1 inch spacing. It's good to have tools but it's better to know someone with tools who knows how to use them.
Rear battery box riveted together and sitting in place. I used AN426 and AN470 rivets that I had leftover from when I built my RV-8 airplane. The rivets on the bottom of the box are countersunk AN426 so the boxes would sit flush. Rounds head AN470 rivets were used on the sides. I had fun bucking rivets again, maybe I need to build another plane? I still need to make mounts to support the front edge and something to tie into the old seat belt attach points.
Another shot of the box and the tight fit to get 13 batteries across the little TT.
Still working on the front battery boxes, Lower front is almost done, needs the added 3 cell pouch on the front. The over motor box still needs the end caps installed.
My parts pile is getting low, I need to order parts to get Audi power brakes and power steering functional again. Until next time.